The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. More

2025 General Operating Grant

Health Sciences Centre Foundation (HSCF)

UM Funding ID
Health Sciences Centre Foundation (HSCF)

The award supports projects in the field of health care that will promote high quality patient care for the people of Manitoba at the HSC and elsewhere in the province.

Five awards will be granted to projects that align with HSC’s four main research themes, while one award will be granted to a project that aligns with the 2025 research theme, Cancer. Foundation participation in funding for individual projects will not normally exceed $35,000 per year ($70,000 for the two-year term).

VPRI Contact
Jenna Silva
Research Grants Specialist (Internal and Provincial)jenna [dot] .silva [at] @umanitoba [dot] .ca


UM Internal DeadlineSponsor Deadline


Letter of Intent



The Letter of Intent (LOI) is submitted directly to HSCF by 4:30 pm CST. LOI must be successful to be eligible to submit a full application.


Application (Upon Invitation Only)


4:30 pm CST


4:30 pm CST


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